Eesti Law office

Mon-Frid: 9-17:00
Sat-Sun: closed

Mon-Frid: 9-17:00
Sat-Sun: closed

Mon-Frid: 9-17:00

Sat-Sun: closed

Estonia for non-residents

In Estonia, Law firm Progressor offers the following services, which may be of interest to physical and legal persons that are non-residents of Estonia:

  • Establishment of legal persons/enterprises
  • Services of a contact person and registered address
  • Legal and accounting services for legal persons
  • Legal aid for physical persons
  • Registration of residence permitsHelp with the completion of
  • working visa formalities (D visa)
  • Formalisation of documents necessary for applying for a digital
  • e-residency card
  • Filing a foreign resident’s application to court to receive the right to
  • register a marriage in Estonia
  • Getting an apostille and legalising documents.

Estonia as a tax haven

Estonia’s favourable investment climate increases the competitiveness of legal business here. Estonia’s tax law allows the use of companies registered in Estonia as an effective tool of tax planning.

The major benefits of Estonia’s investment climate are:

  • Zero tax rate on retained profit. If a company’s profit is retained, it is not taxable and may be used for business purposes, e.g. to buy real estate or other property. If profits are distributed between the shareholders, the applicable tax rate is 21%.
  • International tax treaties to prevent double taxation with a number of countries, including several CIS states.
  • Flat rate tax.
  • No restrictions on international bank transfers and no foreign currency controls.
  • A developed Internet environment, allowing the management and monitoring of a company’s activities from anywhere in the world.

Our firm will help you set up your business in Estonia and provide accompanying legal and accounting services.

Contact us

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